
This module includes an archiving process that can be used to move old activities and reservations to archive storage.

In smaller implementations, it is not necessary to do this process, except to remove old information from lists and reports for efficiency and ease of use. In larger installations, however, it might be good practice to implement the archive process as a scheduled process that runs automatically as a background service. See LS Centralscheduling options for further information.

The archive process moves the contents of the three main transaction tables (LS Reservation, Activity Reservation, and Resource Reservation) to the equivalent archived entry tables. This may improve performances, but the main benefit is that it removes those entries from daily operation. Note: The entries are still accessible in History logs, but cannot be edited or changed. Summary statistics and History Cues in the solution will still include this information. You can recall any Activity reservation into the normal transaction tables, if needed.

To implement archiving you must specify for every Reservation Type if the related reservations and activities should be archived and for how many past days the system should keep the entries as active entries. By default, no reservation type is assigned to be archived. This means that if you run the archive process by mistake, no archiving will be done, unless it has been defined.

What needs to be in place?

Specify which Activity Reservation Types should be archived and how many days into the past history should be kept as active entries.

Note: Only Reservations that do not have internal status Draft are archived. Reservations that are not fully paid or have assigned rental units are also excluded. All activities that are part of the same Activity reservation are excluded from archiving, if any of them is not paid or has a rental unit outstanding. If you still wish to archive such an entry, then you must assign internal status Closed to the activity reservation prior to the archiving process.

Note: Any Activity reservation that has been archived can be recalled.

Where to process?

You can access the process from the History menu and select Archiving to manually execute the process. You will be asked to confirm and the process will log execution time, user, and the number of entries processed.

Note: This process can be executed any number of times and at any point in time. But since this may lock the tables if a large number of entries is being archived, we recommend that you do this outside operational hours.

Where to view archived entries?

Select the History menu to view either archived reservations or archived activities lists. The History cues and Summary views will also include archived entries.

Where to recall archived entry back into active entry?

  1. Go to the History menu, and select Archived Reservations.
  2. Select the reservation and click EDIT - Recall Reservation. If the entry should then be archived again, the archiving process will pick up the entry during next execution, unless status has been changed or the entry does not qualify for archiving after being recalled.

See Whats need to be in place above for qualification requirements for automatic archiving.